Mike Hunt
If you are short, .10 is best. The market works in both directions. Investors that are only long only graze on half of the pasture and are virtually guaranteed to lose money by just holding in a bear market. The institutional side is much more successful than retail because they make money in both directions
71086900 : Just a guess, but I think it will hold .14. Much like you could swing either way big time. Tricky
Mike Hunt OP 71086900 : Coin flip
102415025 : Think this will run to 0.18 by today
102415025 : Easily can run back to 0.20 soon
Mike Hunt OP 102415025 : Or to .10
102415025 Mike Hunt OP : Just hope for best
Mike Hunt OP 102415025 : If you are short, .10 is best. The market works in both directions. Investors that are only long only graze on half of the pasture and are virtually guaranteed to lose money by just holding in a bear market. The institutional side is much more successful than retail because they make money in both directions
jstsk : Hoping to open at 0.15 n dip to 0.145 than go up to 0.18
71086900 : @Mike Huntthoughts now that premarket has been going for a few hours? Dip or continue up?