NoMansLand : gone case…
Joejj OP NoMansLand : You mean retail trader? all panic sell?
Thomas oh : Drop drop drop I q at 20.1
Joejj OP Thomas oh : Fat cat always need small little timid mice to make them fat.
Brooks Falls : Li auto is definitely the most overpriced garbage in china.
WinningTrader : how long can it go? 35? 30?
NoMansLand : gone case…
Joejj OP NoMansLand : You mean retail trader? all panic sell?
Thomas oh : Drop drop drop I q at 20.1
Joejj OP Thomas oh : Fat cat always need small little timid mice to make them fat.
Brooks Falls : Li auto is definitely the most overpriced garbage in china.
WinningTrader : how long can it go? 35? 30?