Omaha's oracle has been making purchases; should we follow him?
Observing the most outstanding investors provides excellent insights. Active institutional investors' buying and selling of stocks reveal their views on the market and the economy. However, it is important to remember that these investors have different goals, timeframes, and resources than most of us, so mirroring their every move is not practical.
Warren Buffett's outstanding investment holding company Berkshire Hathaway has recently made some interesting trades; increasing its stake in petroleum stock Occidental Petroleum (-2.44%), opening a new bank position in Citigroup (0.27%), and continuing in Apple (AAPL 1.51%). Let's take a closer look.
More pumping at the pump, more in your retirement account?
Gasoline prices have dropped a bit, but they continue to bring pain to Americans. High oil prices are no fun, but investors can take advantage of them along with the strength of energy stocks. Petroleum stocks usually pay high dividends and earn substantial cash flows when fuel prices rise.
Berkshire's acquisition of shares in Occidental Petroleum in the West requires a substantial amount of insurance. The group has increased its stake in oil exploration and production companies to nearly 20%. Once its holding reaches 20%, Berkshire Hathaway will report its investments on the books in a different way due to accounting regulations.
What does this mean for us? Two things:
Berkshire Hathaway believes that Western countries will achieve excellent performance in the near future (great!)
Once the threshold of 20% (not very high) is reached, their large purchases may stop or slow down.
Western countries' acquisition of Anadarko Petroleum in 2019 led to massive debts. Subsequently, with the pandemic unfolding, these countries slashed dividends from $0.79 per quarter to a mere symbolic one penny. Dividends eventually recovered to $0.13 per quarter and may surge.
The surge in oil prices comes at a perfect time. The increased cash flow should enable the company to pay off debt and raise dividends. As shown in the chart, debt has been steadily decreasing.
whqqq : I like apples. Many people around me have Apple products. Its performance will not be too low.![undefined [undefined]](