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There was once a time when only pharmaceutical stocks could skyrocket to the Moon

this one is going on the watch list
$I-Mab (IMAB.US)$
this pharmaceutical company has tons of potential big money makers in the pipeline. if just one of these Cancer drugs gets approved then it will be a lot of money to be made for this very cheap ticker. they're also anticipating being listed in mainland China and in Hong Kong. this could be a bullish catalyst in the future even without any of the drugs being approved yet.
There was once a time when only pharmaceutical stocks could skyrocket to the Moon
in the picture directly below you can see their prospectus which describes the many many drugs the company is working on. the list is so long. and I will have to double check but I believe the company is backed by the Chinese government which is always a good thing.
There was once a time when only pharmaceutical stocks could skyrocket to the Moon
I'm going to be watching this company for headlines like this. with all of these drugs in the pipeline there should be many headlines like this coming out. if they get good results from these clinical trials expect the stock to climb for sure. but negative outcomes of these trials could have big impacts to the downside. but for a cheap pharmaceutical stock like this, they only need one good cancer drug to get approved and I believe their stock price will increase for sure.
There was once a time when only pharmaceutical stocks could skyrocket to the Moon
the company's business is only in China at the moment. but there are many institutions and investment Banks already on board with this ticker. so that shows some confidence that the smart money has with this company. I should also mention that short interest has been decreasing over the past month or two so that is a positive note.
normally I do not pay attention to analysts ratings but there are a nice group of analysts on this ticker symbol and they are calling for massive upside at the moment. just look at those price targets below. they seem a little far-fetched but there are several analysts pointing towards great upside. I should do a little more due diligence and see which institutions have these price targets. some analysts at some institutions are completely bogus. but some of them are legitimate. for example Vanguard, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, Invesco, State Street, etc. these are the good ones. the bogus analysts are there to give bogus price targets and ratings to provide liquidity to the markets. the bogus analysts provide bogus headlines to get retail traders to buy when they need to sell. Or they get retail traders to sell when they want to buy in.
There was once a time when only pharmaceutical stocks could skyrocket to the Moon
I'm going to be watching this one like a hawk. the company has not made any money yet as it is a new pharmaceutical company in the beginning stages of clinical trials. but there's a lot of smart money backing this company. and it's main focus is cancer drugs which is a huge multi trillion dollar economy worldwide. but personally on my way until they get one solid positive result from one of their clinical trials before I enter into a long-term investment on this one.
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