sad tomato : What are you seeing that is not updated?
103972080 OP : I invest 7days but no update
Palindrome 103972080 OP : How much did u invest? You need to click on “Revenue Details”. It will show you your daily profit and loss.
jason xien : If it is less than 1000, it may take a little longer, and you can receive a penny of income, as if the minimum income is one penny.
sad tomato : What are you seeing that is not updated?
103972080 OP : I invest 7days but no update
Palindrome 103972080 OP : How much did u invest? You need to click on “Revenue Details”. It will show you your daily profit and loss.
jason xien : If it is less than 1000, it may take a little longer, and you can receive a penny of income, as if the minimum income is one penny.