P2.2: As u can see the trend of BIAS is moving towarddowntrend& hence itmay beareversaltobearish🐻 .
By the way, Anegative valueBIAS=negativezone(bearish) Apositive valueBIAS=positivezone(bullish) Areversaldowntrendoruptrendcan happen in either of the above situations(Value zones). If it'szero, then it's stuck in between heaven 🌌 & earth 🌎 (hell).
BIAS+KDJ P3: Select BIAS & KDJ indicator.
As u can see aboveP3,BIAStrend towarddowntrend&KDJis kindaoverbought+trending downtrend= Apossibleofdowntrendsituation.
BIAS+BB P4: Select BIAS & BB indicator.
FromP4, u can see that the candle hitabovetheupper BB(kindaoverbought) & theBIASis heading towarddowntrend= Apossibledowntrendsituation.
BIAS+KDJ+BB P5: If u combined the usage of all the 3 indicators, it's quite clear 📸 to u that whichpossibledirectionit's heading toward right? It's apossiblereversaltowarddowntrend.
As for anyvi-versasituations, I believed that u guys are smart enough to tweak ur brain 🧠 & use those indicators correctly right?
NANA123 : Wonderful![undefined [undefined]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)
![undefined [undefined]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)
![undefined [undefined]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)
Milk The Cow OP NANA123 : ty![undefined [undefined]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)
bullrider_21 : I thought you only use 1 value for bias?
Milk The Cow OP bullrider_21 : I think it's depend on which MA sum u use
A fast or slow one.
bullrider_21 Milk The Cow OP : Ok. Thx.
Milk The Cow OP bullrider_21 : np![undefined [undefined]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)