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$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ don't run from facts mr treache...

$AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ don't run from facts mr treacherous and dons hobby. Trunp lost. anyone with a ged or better knows this. Oh and blaming obama and disney for amcs price is literally the supidest thing ive ever read. Don't pretend to know about politics and make ridiculous statements not based in fact if you're just gonna block people and hide when challenged. I realize this is what your white nationalist demigod does but it's a bad look and makes you look dumb.
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  • cubsfantrey333 OP : living in a post truth Era is kinda scary. pretty funny though how the Trunp tribe acts so tough and then they immediately run and hide when challenged. oh and btw clowns I'm a marine and a republican. just also like facts and refuse to participate in overthrowing democracy to suit a reality TV show con man's agenda. I actually have an education and can think for myself. you guys should try it. I can't get over the blaming obama. I'm dying laughing here at these clowns. obama hasn't been president for 6 years and he's still living rent free in these bigots heads

  • MuscMoo : i agree with cutting out politics on here, but i feel like biden is hated enough at this point to make those posts pretty uncontroversi. i mean any pressure for the executive to step in before midterms, on our side, is good....

  • cubsfantrey333 OP : I don't like Buden either but to blame a global recession after a pandemic and during a war in Europe on Biden alone is not a very smart way to view the global economics. blaming Obama who hasn't held any office or had a job at all in 6 years and Disney is just nuts

  • Andrew Sankey : no conservatives just dont have the tolerance to deal with woke liberals like yourselves. there is no conversing with you people. you wanna throw insults and think your opinions are facts. the simple fact that you try to blame trump for the economy is simply ridiculous and anyone with a brain that actually looks into the economy and the decisions made in the last year and a half would clearly see what the problem is but yall dont live in truth 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  • cubsfantrey333 OP Andrew Sankey : I'm not a liberal. I'm a former marine and used to be a republican. I'm an independent now thanks to all of you nutcases that decided to support a coup attempt. I watched my friends die in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting to defend our constitution only to watch it uses as toilet paper by a reality TV show con man and then on top of it every undereducated trailer park clown climbed out from under their rocks and got a political education from memes on Facebook and here we are.

  • cubsfantrey333 OP Andrew Sankey : where didi blame Trump? I literally said blaming a global economic issue on one man is ridiculous. learn to read and comprehend and stop just regurgitating your preformed response to anyone you dont agree with. You're literally proving my point

  • cubsfantrey333 OP Andrew Sankey : it's hard to converse with someone when you don't actually listen to what they've said. that's your issue. you response here is not to anything I've said at all.

  • MindOverMatter : I'm brown and I say let's go Brandon but we're all apes so there shouldn't be division

  • cubsfantrey333 OP : we can add Dakpire to this thread too.

  • Andrew Sankey : spoken like a liberal. i was army and dealt with the same shit. problem is you believe the mainstream media which is owned by the democratic party. you are only going to hear what they want you to. if you are a marine then you should know you have to do your own research outside of your little echo bubbles. your hatred of trump is ridiculous. to hate someone based off the opinions of others is ridiculous as he has never done anything to you personally. inflation was 1.7 when trump left office and now its 9.1 and you still wanna blame trump. gas has doubled and you wanna blame trump. you are free to believe what you want but you sound like every other jumped up little liberal filled with rage at trump talking the same bullshit that continuously gets discredited. the congressmen and senators that continuously get called out on their lies about trump. turn off the cnn and do some actual research into things before you continue to make a fool of yourself. just because we were trained not to disobey and not question things doesnt mean that we have to continue that mentality after the military. holding hate for no reason is not very healthy buddy

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