ricklin1985 : This kind of financial report is still rising, damn it.
ricklin1985 : This kind of financial report is going to fall later.
acehao ricklin1985 : Why don't you manipulate the market?
ZCmillion ricklin1985 : Why?
收米米 : I don't understand! What does it mean?
71480988 : Look at how many expectations are there in US stocks. This is clearly better than expected
ricklin1985 : This kind of financial report is still rising, damn it.
ricklin1985 : This kind of financial report is going to fall later.
acehao ricklin1985 : Why don't you manipulate the market?
ZCmillion ricklin1985 : Why?
收米米 : I don't understand! What does it mean?
71480988 : Look at how many expectations are there in US stocks. This is clearly better than expected