From TA, if want to long safer to jeep at 35 and below zone. Those already have no choice have to hold and get the dividend as compensation just my thoughts
Lots of reasons, and it’s old old news, but I think it started a bad path: Apple’s arrogance kinda didn’t help either thinking the two couple work together and waste millions to try and replace Qualcomm
JATrader : From TA, if want to long safer to jeep at 35 and below zone. Those already have no choice have to hold and get the dividend as compensation just my thoughts
sGpcGhost JATrader : Took a sell put 36.5..wonder tonight will dip to how low...
JATrader sGpcGhost : Refer to weekly bolinger band ~34 zone and monthly chart 200 ma zone
sGpcGhost JATrader : Glad to hear it. I short 100 to cover it.
RDK79 : Lots of reasons, and it’s old old news, but I think it started a bad path: Apple’s arrogance kinda didn’t help either thinking the two couple work together and waste millions to try and replace Qualcomm