1. What are your motivations and goals for fund investing ?
Stability & Lifestyle
2. What are your strategies to allocate assets ?
Diversification & Concentration
Cash 10%
• Emergency Fund
(FD, Gov Bond etc)
• Self-Improvement Fund
(Books, Courses etc)
Asset 60%
• Paper (Unit Trust/ETF/Crypto)
• Physical (Real Estate)
Well-being 10%
• Housing/Healthcare
• Clothing/Equipment
• Food/Transportation
Trading 20%
(Concentration Part)
• Equities/Futures
• Options
• Various Insurance
(Life/Health/Accident etc)
(Retirement Planning/Investment Scheme etc)
• Home
• Phyical Gold
Which fund products did you add to your portfolio ? And why ?
Fixed Deposit and Money Market Fund under Asset Portion as well as Physical Gold.
Idle cash. Hedge and Build against all sorts of stuff like the current monetary system (fiat), my own trading structure, life unprecedented events (such as those black swan not in our history) etc.
3. Did anything change your objectives or strategies ? What's the most crucial tweak you've made so far ?
A house in which you stay in does not put money in your pocket and does not count as an asset from an investment perspective but a home which provide a suitable and conducive environment for one to plan, prepare and condition oneself for the markets provide an intangible value which ain't so crucial to the outlaw。
Make time for and to continue improve on what really matters (Sizing Up Opportunities)