MDiscus : Click in the following order: discover, funds, RSP, my RSP, management, end. This will stop the RSP.
bubbleberrygum MDiscus : any fees for stopping this?
MDiscus bubbleberrygum : Not for this fund from what I experienced, no fees incurred so far.
MDiscus bubbleberrygum : You can read more about it by~ clicking discover, click funds, click cash plus.
Cyong1212 : What is RSP?
Be Hungry Cyong1212 : Regular Saving Plan
MDiscus Cyong1212 : RSP ~ Regular Savings Plan
MDiscus Cyong1212 : You can read more at promotions tab
MDiscus : Click in the following order: discover, funds, RSP, my RSP, management, end. This will stop the RSP.
bubbleberrygum MDiscus : any fees for stopping this?
MDiscus bubbleberrygum : Not for this fund from what I experienced, no fees incurred so far.
MDiscus bubbleberrygum : You can read more about it by~ clicking discover, click funds, click cash plus.
Cyong1212 : What is RSP?
Be Hungry Cyong1212 : Regular Saving Plan
MDiscus Cyong1212 : RSP ~ Regular Savings Plan
MDiscus Cyong1212 : You can read more at promotions tab