z utterback
you say that, yet it hasn't stopped any other illegal manipulation of a stock before. they get caught and only given fines, which means it's all legal for a price.
z utterback
Yeah I’ve never met a trader that comments on a stock so negatively that doesn’t have a position to profit from. Why waste your time being negative if it doesn’t effect you
z utterback : Who is we? You do realize coordination to move a stock is illegal right?
Boss_Z06 z utterback : you say that, yet it hasn't stopped any other illegal manipulation of a stock before. they get caught and only given fines, which means it's all legal for a price.
z utterback : Oh I agree. Just figure if they are going to go after anyone for manipulation it will be retail not the big money.
Mike Hunt : Dream on. Ted did a job on you all.
WallStreetYoda OP z utterback : This guy
z utterback : Yeah I’ve never met a trader that comments on a stock so negatively that doesn’t have a position to profit from. Why waste your time being negative if it doesn’t effect you