Personally Paper Trading serves its purpose for newbies who want to have a rough gauge on how he/she fair and it is like a trial session before the actual experience kicks in.
To me, its usefulness is a double-edge sword. One one hand, within the limits given, I can buy all the stocks that are good companies but not at the right price. Some at a good price, some are not. Hence my Paper Trading was done last year when I first opened Moomoo account to get points only. Fast forward 1.5 years later, I made money on bank stocks but lost alot of money on other stocks because the prices are at a high price, with bear mkt, the price has plunged down 20 to 50 percent. Hence Paper Trading can also not be useful because the time you bought stocks on the actual trading platform determines the profit or loss which does not reflect my P/L in my Paper Trading. Paper Trading is useful to gain a momentarily experience of trading but when the actual session kicks in, it will be different altogether. When price dropped during actual trading,you will be anxious and have to make decisions to buy or sell. In Paper Trading, it does not carry the same emotions as Real Time Trading.
It all depends on what is Moomoo purpose or nenefits for Paper Trading. If you feel you have achieved its purpose and benefits, then keep it. If not, scrap it.
Finally, be wise and prudent in Investing.
Happy Investing :)
whqqq : Novel thinking angle. “In paper trading, it does not carry the same emotions as real time trading" totally agree with you.