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Rebounded 12% in a month: comeback or bear trap?
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Executives flee, does Amazon have a future?

Amazon's S-team turnover rate of core executives is 10%.

Since the new CEO took office, more than 50 executives have left before and after.

100,000 people have just been laid off in the second quarter. The growth model driven by low costs and strict regulations is facing unprecedented challenges.

Executives flee, does Amazon have a future?
First of all, thank you all for your praise, attention, and enthusiastic comments, and took time to respond in such a tense situation. Last night, I just wanted to say it out loud:

Happy birthday Kun Kun!

Amazon stepped out of the high-flying Doji for three days in a row. The forces of long and empty forces fought closely. Market sentiment was tense, and the arrow was on the line, and the trend was immediate.
Executives flee, does Amazon have a future?
Let's get back to the point, or go back to the giant's personnel affairs.

Last year, Bezos, the richest man in the world, retired honorably to focus on flying. The successor, Andy Jassy, is called Boss Jia. This younger brother, who has always followed Bezos, is an Amazon migrant worker for 25 years. He started at the grassroots level until he started the AWS cloud business, became CEO, and reached the peak of his life.

Boss Jia, born in '68, is 4 years younger than our teacher Ma Yunma. He is a native American Jew. He graduated from Harvard University, then got an MBA at Harvard. After graduation, he started a business for a short time, and officially became a member of Amazon in 1997.

In the same year, Hong Kong returned, and Shen Nanpeng, who returned from Wall Street, made a big splash in the Hong Kong capital market. Zhang Chaoyang's Sohu.com was less than one year old; in that year, Li Yanhong, in New Jersey, only broke through Silicon Valley; Yang Zhiyuan, who returned from the US, met Mr. Ma in the Imperial Capital. A year later, a Suqian college entrance examination champion who set up a stall to sell CDs came to Zhongguancun.

The stars are turning, and the sun and moon are flying by, and time is fast forward to today in 2022. Since Boss Jia took office, money has become harder and harder to earn; things are getting harder and harder; people's hearts are getting scattered day by day.
Executives flee, does Amazon have a future?
Amazon now has 1.5 million people up and down, a decrease of 100,000 from the previous quarter. Average length of employment in major overseas Internet companies: 2 years.

There is a saying, same world, same graduation.
Executives flee, does Amazon have a future?
Management stormed out of Amazon and organized a group to escape unlucky

Personnel turmoil continues, core management personnel have been lost, and the Amazon executive team consists of about 360 people, and 50 people have left one after another.

S-team's turnover rate is as high as 10%, and 3 members have left. Some friends may not be familiar. S-team is Amazon's core executive team, a think tank directly under the CEO, and the top management core of 1.5 million people, with a total of no more than 30 people.

A group of major Chinese internet companies, in order to pay tribute to Aidou, also called the core management team S-team. They have not changed a word, which shows their deep faith.
Executives flee, does Amazon have a future?
Last Friday, Amazon lost Jay Carney, a celebrity executive and head of global PR and government relations. This older brother Jay, who called him Zhou Dong, is quite a pioneer. He was a White House spokesperson during Obama's tenure, and he is also an established political reporter for Time magazine. Zhou Dong has been working for Amazon for 7 years and is an S-team member. This departure should be inextricably linked to the intense pressure of antitrust scrutiny.

Amazon's relationship with European and American authorities is still too tense.

The high-pressure model is boycotted, and management is meticulous and strong

Another exec worth mentioning is Dave Clark, last day of July 1 this year. This brother Dave, 23 years old Amazon, joined in 1999, working all the way from the grassroots level to being the CEO of international e-commerce business. Dave is responsible for one-third of Amazon's revenue. His departure was linked to strict internal management.

Beginning in April, Amazon strictly scrutinized employees' internal chats, and no sensitive words were posted. Sensitive word 1, trade union. Simply put, Amazon coerced and intimidated employees to form trade unions, and employees finally successfully formed a trade union this year after arduous and unrelenting struggle. This incident itself has put a lot of pressure on Amazon's public opinion and internal management.
Executives flee, does Amazon have a future?
Sensitive words 2. Toilet/restroom. Yes, Amazon restricts employees from discussing relevant topics while at work, and strictly monitors employees' convenient time. That's why Amazon doesn't want a union to hinder efficient operations.

A certain sunset: If you talk about this, I won't be sleepy.
Executives flee, does Amazon have a future?
Since Brother Dave was a strong opponent of the trade union and a company spokesperson when he was in office, when the anti-speech incident came to light, he naturally had to step down.

The interests of senior management are difficult to balance. Are they migrant workers or not superior?

Another big thing. It's money.

Executives' cash pay is low. How low is it? Brother Dave's annual salary is 56 million, and his cash is 100,000. All that's left is stocks. Furthermore, the board of directors also often expressed displeasure with the executive's remuneration because, “they were given too much.”

It's also great. The one who draws people is eventually taken over; of course, they chose to forgive him 💚💚💚.

Also leaving is another S-team member, Alicia Boler Davis, a black female executive from the bottom. She is responsible for international compliance, that is, warehousing, logistics and distribution for international e-commerce.

Amazon is ruthless when it comes to underperforming international businesses. All of the above feel at will; let's not talk about more.

I heard Hashimoto Kanna emo
Executives flee, does Amazon have a future?
In a nutshell, personnel management issues have affected the long-term development of e-commerce and cloud businesses.

It can be said that since the early stages of development, strict cost control has been the lifeblood of Amazon. This is true of e-commerce, and so is AWS. However, in the new situation, growth models driven by low costs and strict regulations are increasingly being challenged.
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