PriNcEPET : Are you still here?
102107938 : Shit… I never sell at 4.50
嫩韭菜升级 OP PriNcEPET : Yes! I suffered a terrible loss.
BAO BMW : me too...$4.50 did not sell, I thought there is good news? what happened going down again ..
嫩韭菜升级 OP BAO BMW : It's supposed to be the main force smashing the market.
BAO BMW 嫩韭菜升级 OP : so r u going to hold or sell ? any suggestions?
102107938 BAO BMW : After I sold at a loss, it rally… damn
PriNcEPET : Are you still here?
102107938 : Shit… I never sell at 4.50
嫩韭菜升级 OP PriNcEPET : Yes! I suffered a terrible loss.
BAO BMW : me too...$4.50 did not sell, I thought there is good news? what happened going down again ..
嫩韭菜升级 OP BAO BMW : It's supposed to be the main force smashing the market.
BAO BMW 嫩韭菜升级 OP : so r u going to hold or sell ? any suggestions?
102107938 BAO BMW : After I sold at a loss, it rally… damn