103077497 : Yea wtf happened. No more shares to trade cause naked shorting?
Betterthangold : SEC investigation for non-compliance. Lol
103077497 Betterthangold : Insider trading?
MuscMoo : according to sec reason is "news pending" https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt-current
MuscMoo : ban that better than gold guy, he is retarded
Annoyinglittleboi Betterthangold : Apparently they got news ?
MuscMoo 103077497 : https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt-current
Betterthangold Annoyinglittleboi : At the moment, no one knows reason, good or bad.
Betterthangold : Muskmoo is obviously a bagholder. The make the most noise and hate reality.
Betterthangold : I keep seeing a T12 halt on Twitter. Cannot currently verify.
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103077497 : Yea wtf happened. No more shares to trade cause naked shorting?
Betterthangold : SEC investigation for non-compliance. Lol
103077497 Betterthangold : Insider trading?
MuscMoo : according to sec reason is "news pending" https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt-current
MuscMoo : ban that better than gold guy, he is retarded
Annoyinglittleboi Betterthangold : Apparently they got news ?
MuscMoo 103077497 : https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt-current
Betterthangold Annoyinglittleboi : At the moment, no one knows reason, good or bad.
Betterthangold : Muskmoo is obviously a bagholder. The make the most noise and hate reality.
Betterthangold : I keep seeing a T12 halt on Twitter. Cannot currently verify.
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