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A bad trade? I told you so...
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"I told u so" moment from bad trade?

I only has "I knew it!" such moment from me .
I only heard "I told u so" from others to me , not stock related but other stuff.
《Actually, for stock maybe near to have... I followed "Person A" advice desperately (in the past) because price is as what "Person A" said. But then, things turned bad as the company has a scandal & stock price crashed. Then "Person A" just said, "Oh, that's really bad luck, u should sell the stock fast now as it's gg." But, I never sell as I think the business model is doing well & maybe it can outweigh the scandal. In the end, I'm supposed to has profited (Good financial report as what I expected) but then I got greedy & never sell by pushing my luck for my highest TP... = in the end is a loss when professional analysts mentioned something otherwise & give a lower TP for the future after 1 month or so...
By the way, it's a big named company & so no one expected that to happen, except for me... reserved an only 10% chance that it may happen = because I don't trust that country's integrity. Actually I dont really want to buy that stock because the stock price rised too fast but was being pressured by "Person A" when I was a beginner investor that time + I'm very desperated for .》
"Why won't you guys listen to me?", also nope from me 🙅‍♂️but yes from others to me. I don't like forcing ppls into accepting my point of views since all ppls have different views. However, I'm more cruel by making them to face the hard reality of the world 🌎 by saying something like: "u ask for it", for those critics who attack u personally rather than discussing a topic (never DYODD & blamed on other's for attacking their favourite stock when thing does not go their way) = if they still wanna start a stupid conservation again when result had shown all.
It's either correct or wrong from the final movement of the stock price, simple as that . If u can't even accept ur own mistake, then u cannot move forward. Only after u had truly accepted ur mistake, u then can make changes for a better improvement & move forward.

Hence always DYODD before investing .
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DYODD before investing 👌