Sgtrader88 OP Mr VWAP : Nothing to worry, China military exercise shall end on Sunday.. Next week, business as usual for the rest of the world except Taiwan which will suffer some trade, business restrictions..
Wallace Lai : looking at this poll, I can tell, the market tends to go the way least people expect it to go
Sgtrader88 OP Wallace Lai : Wallace, what would be your expert price prediction for 12 Aug 22 for 9988.HK?
Sgtrader88 OP Mr VWAP : Nothing to worry, China military exercise shall end on Sunday.. Next week, business as usual for the rest of the world except Taiwan which will suffer some trade, business restrictions..
Wallace Lai : looking at this poll, I can tell, the market tends to go the way least people expect it to go

Sgtrader88 OP Wallace Lai : Wallace, what would be your expert price prediction for 12 Aug 22 for 9988.HK?