Optic Blasts
Sooo, we’re gonna pretend it’s still the most heavily shorter stock in the market right now? Why is Nancy Pelosi investing into AMC? Why are hedge funds like Citadel relocating from Chicago IL, to Miami Florida? Melvin Capital is still under investigation. SEC is suppose to be conducting their jobs, or does the law not apply to them as well? Let’s stop playing around, and realize the MOASS is real. Continue to hold, we’re not going anywhere. We want our money. #apenation
Thoth Industries :
InsiderJesus Thoth Industries : This is my worst AMC account too
TaMA_ChaN : Amateurs. When it was at $74
Domingo Friggin Ramirez : suck it...
AlphaWolf01 :
Optic Blasts : Sooo, we’re gonna pretend it’s still the most heavily shorter stock in the market right now? Why is Nancy Pelosi investing into AMC? Why are hedge funds like Citadel relocating from Chicago IL, to Miami Florida? Melvin Capital is still under investigation. SEC is suppose to be conducting their jobs, or does the law not apply to them as well? Let’s stop playing around, and realize the MOASS is real. Continue to hold, we’re not going anywhere. We want our money. #apenation