Somehow I find it hard to imagine CCXI dropping but really it should, lots of us have taken profit, insiders are selling. Let’s see… looking for another bite of the cookie!
@iamiam - after takeover by Amgen will ccxi be delisted ? Should holders of ccxi liquidate all ? What happens if holders of ccxi fail to liquidate? Many thanks …
when the buyout happens they will take your shares and replace them with cash at 52 dollars a share, people are selling now because I can turn 51 into way more than 52 by the buyout date.
Mr Trecherous : Took a little off the top myself
iamiam OP Mr Trecherous : I'm holding my breath, but I think it drops, then again tomorrow will probably rally hard with the market
Mr Trecherous : Always wanted to hold long term. Sad day
rawrrrbucks iamiam OP : Somehow I find it hard to imagine CCXI dropping but really it should, lots of us have taken profit, insiders are selling. Let’s see… looking for another bite of the cookie!
rawrrrbucks Mr Trecherous : Same!
ma_me_moo : @iamiam - after takeover by Amgen will ccxi be delisted ? Should holders of ccxi liquidate all ? What happens if holders of ccxi fail to liquidate? Many thanks …
iamiam OP ma_me_moo : when the buyout happens they will take your shares and replace them with cash at 52 dollars a share, people are selling now because I can turn 51 into way more than 52 by the buyout date.
ma_me_moo iamiam OP : Thanks - that’s a good explanation