$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ Trump lost. To Biden too of all...
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ Trump lost. To Biden too of all people. lmao
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MindOverMatter :
Dudebuddy : good thing dead folks and immigrants can vote huh?
Dudebuddy : haha.... you happy with what you got? lol
LuckToTheMoon Dudebuddy : GQP accuse others to take the heat off themselves (for the same crimes). You gotta be brainwashed to believe otherwise.

what a loser
cubsfantrey333 OP Dudebuddy : happy? nah, but elated we can continue to have a democracy. we need to make civics mandatory in high school again. it's shameful how many of you will wipe your ass with the constitution if it suits you. time for the Republicans favorite thing to say "love it or leave it"
Su Anu Rakbu : The system is a play on our tribal nature and most people fall for it. Everybody's quick to pick their favorite team and players on the field. Diehard fans, "I dont like you cause you're a fan of the wrong team." Instead of going after the owners and referees for rigging the game, we are at each others throats because "my teams better than yours".
And you had better believe, this is exactly what they want.

Domingo Friggin Ramirez : America, red or blue, have lost since Biden stole the election
cubsfantrey333 OP Domingo Friggin Ramirez : blue light special on aluminum foil in aisle 3 Kmart shoppers. if you believe what you just wrote you're why America is screwed. the internet has allowed you all to brainwash yourselves
John 3 16 Su Anu Rakbu : Divide and conquer?
Coffee Drip Su Anu Rakbu :

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