102983816 : Which is the last day to buy in in order to entitle for dividend ? Thanks
102867033 102983816 : today
102983816 102867033 : Thanks
102867033 : you have to own the shares on the ex date
102867033 : which is monday
心急吃不了热豆腐 102867033 : I am still not very clear on these dates thingy..If i bought on 15/8 i am eligible for the dividends right?
102983816 : Which is the last day to buy in in order to entitle for dividend ? Thanks
102867033 102983816 : today
102983816 102867033 : Thanks
102867033 : you have to own the shares on the ex date
102867033 : which is monday
心急吃不了热豆腐 102867033 : I am still not very clear on these dates thingy..
If i bought on 15/8 i am eligible for the dividends right?