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TA Challenge: OBV, forecast market moves & spot reversals
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TA Challenge: Get to know OBV in one chart

Meta Moo joined discussion · Aug 16, 2022 11:39
Have you ever heard of the rule: volume precedes price?
Typically, before a stock price moves, the volume comes into play. It plays a significant role in buying and selling stocks. Granville believed that volume was the driving force behind markets and designed OBV to predict when major market moves would occur.
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TA Challenge: Get to know OBV in one chart
Case Study
TA Challenge: Get to know OBV in one chart
The above chart shows a bullish divergence forming in July. In terms of price, this stock moved below its June low with a lower low in early July. But OBV held above its June low to form a bullish divergence. OBV went on to break resistance before the stock broke resistance. A week later, this stock broke resistance and continued for a more than 30 percent gain.
Tip: The divergence between OBV and price may alert us that a price reversal could be in the making.
Let's Talk
Have you added the OBV indicator to your chart?
How do you select stocks?
Does the OBV indicator provide you with a fresh perspective?
Do you think "volume precedes price" improves your trading?
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