The sell off in my opinion is so once the fed speak, we may rise and if they can make a sell off before this I can assume the push after fed talk will only push us back up to where we started from today.
Anyone who sold before the dividend is a complete moron. There's no other way to put it. This is why you should have to pass an IQ test to use the stock market. These idiots are buying in when they have no idea what they're doing
LeroyFerguson : they're crazy 22nd ape gonna be its own new stock everyone likes new anything
MuscMoo : might be getting ready to buy back
AMC-2-MOON : The sell off in my opinion is so once the fed speak, we may rise and if they can make a sell off before this I can assume the push after fed talk will only push us back up to where we started from today.
ur wifes boyfriend OP : all those people who sold please don't buy in again
BAG FINDER GENERAL : Anyone who sold before the dividend is a complete moron. There's no other way to put it. This is why you should have to pass an IQ test to use the stock market. These idiots are buying in when they have no idea what they're doing
Steak Eater : What if their new strategy is to bankrupt themselves so that they can end all of this while taking our victory away xD
Baboom : no body is selling you dingus
ur wifes boyfriend OP : I can show you a bunch of people selling smooth brain.
ur wifes boyfriend OP Baboom : If you want proof I can show you.
ur wifes boyfriend OP BAG FINDER GENERAL : it's sad that people are selling they don't know what they are doing.
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