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If we don't squeeze on Monday.

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ If we DON'T squeeze on Monday after IRREFUTABLE proof of ILLEGAL naked shorting ! Then we as citizens need to come to the realization that this country has been taken over by TYRANNY. And we have to really get it out of our heads that they will ever VOLUNTARILY do anything to harm themselves. And we are going to have to come to some hard truths about our next move.
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  • 70882621 : Apes are winning, just be patient and let this play out

  • Dumb Money Space Ape : No dates. Have the shorts covered? No? I’m holding.

  • Zerocool888 : I think we should not expect anything at this moment but as long as we just keep holding on until HFs bleeds to death, we are winning this. I expected this on going battle to last for many moons to come.

    You should still go about with your life and invest on other stocks. You never know as other stock might force you to retire earlier? [undefined][undefined][undefined]. I think you have already heard not to put all eggs in one basket and don’t solely rely on just one stock.

    Diversified your portfolio as that’s what i do. Getting angry and frustrated won’t help it to MOASS. Although AMC drop a lot last night but my other green counters manage to balance back the overall portfolio.

    We may not be Warren Buffett but he doesn’t just invest on one company to make him rich. He win and loses money on different companies but it’s because he has a diversified port, he is able to balance it. So, ZERO expectations bro.

  • Dudebuddy : go file a lawsuit, have your day in court in about 3 or 4 years and freeze everyone's money in this.
