kRaZeY : you can buy right now and hope to grt it for 12.25
SilkOvaSandpaper kRaZeY : Do they offer the full alottment or only partial like Webull
kRaZeY SilkOvaSandpaper : could be first come first server depending the amount of money you out up. from the looks of it people got a couple of shares at $49 a share so I dont know lol
kRaZeY : you can buy right now and hope to grt it for 12.25
SilkOvaSandpaper kRaZeY : Do they offer the full alottment or only partial like Webull
kRaZeY SilkOvaSandpaper : could be first come first server depending the amount of money you out up. from the looks of it people got a couple of shares at $49 a share so I dont know lol