he hasnt sold yet. please read more why he is doing that. he have call options expire in Jan 2023. Given the fact he can sell regardless, but till today you do not see any sale in his share yet as of today. http://openinsider.com/ Ticker BBBY.
71462413 : fake news
70790164 : Be Able to sell not to sell … learn English plz
BAG FINDER GENERAL : Everything is this post is either fake or now INCORRECT. Do better and keep up when posting bullshit that's out of datec
razo2 : he hasnt sold yet. please read more why he is doing that. he have call options expire in Jan 2023. Given the fact he can sell regardless, but till today you do not see any sale in his share yet as of today.
Ticker BBBY.
ohno123 : Yeah fake news
silentcyfer : stop spreading FUD
Betterthangold : This was a complete “distort and short.” Look it up! It’s an illegal tactic and it worked very well.