Welcome back! On today's topic, we will be discussing the past performance of$Microsoft (MSFT.US)$.
In the past 33 trading days (01 Jul 2022 to 17 Aug 2022), MSFT returned 13.19% to her shareholders.
Also, it is noted that the highest number of positive returns was Wed and Thu, while Mon has the highest number of negative returns, as shown in the picture below.
Next, we also noticed that Wed has the "best" record, with a total of 14.24% returns while Tue has the "worst" records of -8.19% returns when added all the negative returns together, as shown in the picture below.
The result seems to show us that it is better to trade on Wed instead ofMon and Thu, but we should take note that it only shows us the past 33 trading days for the period of 01 Jul 2022 to 17 Aug 2022. We should always remember to DYODD (Do your own due diligence) when making any kind of investment.