Hello12341234 : Not below 30?
Thelord Hello12341234 : What’s so nice about deebeeass
CMLIN Thelord : Lol..
Thelord CMLIN : I think for this the play will be short entry at 32, stop at 33.5, take profits at 29
divinepapa : So obvious need no answer unless 1st timer for this stock.
102246337 OP Hello12341234 :
102246337 OP : seem like a gd strategy
102246337 OP Thelord : it is good strategy
102246337 OP divinepapa : yes first timer
Hello12341234 : Not below 30?
Thelord Hello12341234 : What’s so nice about deebeeass
CMLIN Thelord : Lol..
Thelord CMLIN : I think for this the play will be short entry at 32, stop at 33.5, take profits at 29
divinepapa : So obvious need no answer unless 1st timer for this stock.
102246337 OP Hello12341234 :
102246337 OP : seem like a gd strategy
102246337 OP Thelord : it is good strategy
102246337 OP divinepapa : yes first timer