This week, we'd like to invite you to comment: What would be your first move if you find that the whole stock market is under your command?
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70882621 : I’m featured lol xD
winblessing : If there were to be such a day, I will inspire the people to buy the stocks with me and earn together so that they can continue to pass on the huamnity sharing to the next person. A better world for all.
doctorpot1 : I going do some serious wealth redistribution magic if the whole stock market is under my command.
Take away gains from billionaire who avoid taxes using tax loopholes using their company share price, and distribute it as gains to the hardworking citizen by giving them some sweet sweet gains.
It won't be much as there are so many citizen but so few tax avoider, but hey fair is fair
Syuee : We all may wonder many a time, if a small drop of water can affect an ocean … ?
That is how I felt when I went through this question.
Well, the stock market is like an ocean and we all are retail investors, just like a drop of water individually.
In the spirit of answering this question,
I just have to say :
Look no further. It is me. I am in charge. I make it go up, then I sell.
Then, I make it go down so I can buy cheaper.
I love being in control.
Don't tell anyone though because somebody else might try it.
Oh, by the way, I also control when the sun goes down and when it comes up.
Still working out how to control the weather though. Check back next week because I might have that figured out by then.
My first move … ?
Milk The Cow : Hahaha , of course I will command my underlings to make me rich through the evil ways of strategies eg. Gamestonk, MOASS, short selling, ...
Nothing new, just like how those BB in the market doing now .
After that I still got more to go for but will leave it to next time since question asked is the first move if the whole market under my control .
I only know the 1st thing I wanna do is to earn as much as I want till my "that" target & that first move is required as it's the fastest way.
steady Pom pipi : I will buy before the stock goes up and sell before the stock goes down. If you have Musk and Trump influence, I may be the next richest man in the world.
All right, stop talking! I want to keep having this dream before I wake up!
HopeAlways :
KT88 Syuee :
KT88 Syuee :
KT88 Syuee :
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