what's triggering, is you asking vague general questions.... Is it ded? what kind of question is that to ask anyway like don't you see that the ticker is still alive? don't you see that the company is still functioning? what exactly are you asking? by asking such a dumb general question you just give everyone the perception that you're shell or somebody that hasn't done the most basic of dd
At time like this, we are ALL HARDCORE APES! It’s either you are with us or against us. Too many shills popping like 4th of July. If you want to ask a question, please construct your whole sentence. We are still more than happy to answer any of your questions if it’s legit. Asking if "Hycroft is ded” has totally no meaning at all as you can obviously see Hycroft Mining price is still jumping up and down. If it’s dead, then there will close to no transactions.
I did get 2 responses prior to yours. Thanks for your input. I agree, too many shills and who have yous around. Here, have a pizza .
oh, unfortunate that that was a trigger. Do you respond to everyone who you think is a shill though? Genuinely curious. and if so, why?
MuscMoo : nah
M1ke1229 : no
Zerocool888 : If you think it’s dead, then it’s dead. And it’s DEAD, not ded! Go learn your English properly before asking any question.
M1ke1229 Zerocool888 :
xierongliang OP Zerocool888 : lol. wow. didn't know a word could trigger you to this extent. take it easy mate. dead ded hold hodl ape ape.
MuscMoo xierongliang OP : what's triggering, is you asking vague general questions.... Is it ded? what kind of question is that to ask anyway like don't you see that the ticker is still alive? don't you see that the company is still functioning? what exactly are you asking? by asking such a dumb general question you just give everyone the perception that you're shell or somebody that hasn't done the most basic of dd
Zerocool888 xierongliang OP : At time like this, we are ALL HARDCORE APES! It’s either you are with us or against us. Too many shills popping like 4th of July. If you want to ask a question, please construct your whole sentence. We are still more than happy to answer any of your questions if it’s legit. Asking if "Hycroft is ded” has totally no meaning at all as you can obviously see Hycroft Mining price is still jumping up and down. If it’s dead, then there will close to no transactions.
xierongliang OP Zerocool888 : I did get 2 responses prior to yours. Thanks for your input. I agree, too many shills and who have yous around. Here, have a pizza
xierongliang OP MuscMoo : oh, unfortunate that that was a trigger. Do you respond to everyone who you think is a shill though? Genuinely curious. and if so, why?
MuscMoo xierongliang OP : shhhh
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