The author read public statements and analyses some numbers ans claimed "TRUE Reason" ... How naive! What's put in public may not be the intention of a person. Moral of story: Don't believe things on the surface, trade with caution and logic, don't chase after hearsay.
So, what benefit to the shareholder that suck ourselves into this? Assuming the disposal happened, BBBY will practically have only loss making business… the so call unlocked value will only be beneficial to us if the disposal price is at least 30% higher than current market cap and BBBY board decided to declare dividend on the proceed of disposal. If not, the proceed will be gone over years of continue losses…
GoLeopard : The author read public statements and analyses some numbers ans claimed "TRUE Reason" ...
How naive! What's put in public may not be the intention of a person. Moral of story: Don't believe things on the surface, trade with caution and logic, don't chase after hearsay.
T-Ed : Does this mean there will be another possibility of higher stock price end of month?
Jack1212 : So, what benefit to the shareholder that suck ourselves into this? Assuming the disposal happened, BBBY will practically have only loss making business… the so call unlocked value will only be beneficial to us if the disposal price is at least 30% higher than current market cap and BBBY board decided to declare dividend on the proceed of disposal. If not, the proceed will be gone over years of continue losses…