70108039 : Moomoo No Usa preorder
chris from queens : hopefully they are in the process of getting us access to pre-order IPOs...
Sharadindu : I can give you a referral for Webull
chris from queens Sharadindu : I'll pass, if I get it I get it..if not plenty of fish in the sea. thanks
Sharadindu : No worries
Alvin1988 70108039 : for real.i registered and download it because I assume it could preorder ipo
70108039 : Moomoo

No Usa preorder
chris from queens : hopefully they are in the process of getting us access to pre-order IPOs...
Sharadindu : I can give you a referral for Webull
chris from queens Sharadindu : I'll pass, if I get it I get it..if not plenty of fish in the sea. thanks
Sharadindu : No worries
Alvin1988 70108039 : for real.i registered and download it because I assume it could preorder ipo