Akho : YeA… quite blur now
CherryPudding : APE just started with a known count, based on actual shares of AMC owned. we may have better control of APE.
xinrong44 Akho : Why is there this thing all of a sudden?
TaMA_ChaN : If you guys buy AMC ‘just because want to moon’, it is very sad.Meaning YOU ARE THE FOMO Please do some DD what AMC is, what the market did (HF), what the CEO of AMC did, what is now ‘APE dividen share’.
Akho : YeA… quite blur now
CherryPudding : APE just started with a known count, based on actual shares of AMC owned. we may have better control of APE.
xinrong44 Akho : Why is there this thing all of a sudden?
TaMA_ChaN : If you guys buy AMC ‘just because want to moon’, it is very sad.
Please do some DD what AMC is, what the market did (HF), what the CEO of AMC did, what is now ‘APE dividen share’.