the rich Corrupt creatures will benefit greatly. that's what's happening andwhat will continue to happen. can we collectively get a lawyer to sue or something?sign a petition? something?
Need a class action lawsuit involving EVERYONE! Sue the SEC, DTCC, GG, AA, Citadel, Ken Griffen, Melvin, Fidelity, anyone who shorted AMC multiple times the float. Get a real market expert to explain in court what they are doing to us daily. Somebody will squeal when they start losing their shirt.
slippery : the rich Corrupt creatures will benefit greatly. that's what's happening andwhat will continue to happen. can we collectively get a lawyer to sue or something?sign a petition? something?
Cardinal-BagHolder : Need a class action lawsuit involving EVERYONE! Sue the SEC, DTCC, GG, AA, Citadel, Ken Griffen, Melvin, Fidelity, anyone who shorted AMC multiple times the float. Get a real market expert to explain in court what they are doing to us daily. Somebody will squeal when they start losing their shirt.
LionsShare Cardinal-BagHolder : agreed!