whqqq : Do you still have it? If so, how long do you intend to persist?
astabrin OP whqqq : haha... no idea men... why???
astabrin OP whqqq : not the first time . SEA not that bad . but offlog 25% first. it is pretty low to sell, just hold on. FOMO but have some faith . How about u? u still holding on .how many lots?
whqqq astabrin OP : I just want to know when it will rise... You're right. Have confidence.
astabrin OP whqqq : oh man.... no idea to hold further ...
whqqq : Do you still have it? If so, how long do you intend to persist?
astabrin OP whqqq : haha... no idea men... why???
astabrin OP whqqq : not the first time . SEA not that bad . but offlog 25% first. it is pretty low to sell, just hold on. FOMO but have some faith . How about u? u still holding on .how many lots?
whqqq astabrin OP : I just want to know when it will rise... You're right. Have confidence.
astabrin OP whqqq : oh man.... no idea to hold further ...