do you know what LULD is? “The SEC's Limit Up-Limit Down (“LULD”) Rule prohibits trading activity in exchange-listed securities at prices outside specified price bands(“upper band”; “lower band”), which are established at a percentage level above and below the average price of a security over the immediately preceding 5-minute period.”
CelesKim : Does it matter and will it change anything? Let it halt 100x and the SEC and Fed will do nothing.
Zerocool888 : STBX actually went up all the way up to 950.2%……….
Zerocool888 : APE went up 5% on opening and instantly HALT.
Zerocool888 : It never pass the 5% mark. It’s rigged to stay at 5% HALT. I am sure later it’s going to be the same again. They rely on machine to stop from MOASS. So in actual fact, APE might came close to a semi MOASS if not for the halt.
Cardinal-BagHolder CelesKim : If the system worked like it should, the SEC would investigate all of this immediately. Because I ASSURE YOU, if a bernie maddoff type was robbing the 1% like this, the FBI would be all over that sh*t like white on rice! MF be covered UP in agents. People in that office would think FBI worked there! BET THAT