DIAMONDHANDsssssssss : No. I believe there is gonna be a vote to turn ape into shares of amc so if I were you I would keep your ape and buy more
71854384 OP : Okay...kinda thought that way would do it too.
NjD NjD : Yeah HFs are aware of that too and they have all resources to prevent SS. The only thing they don’t know/can’t do anything about it is “How long Apes are willing to hodl APE&AMC”
DIAMONDHANDsssssssss : No. I believe there is gonna be a vote to turn ape into shares of amc so if I were you I would keep your ape and buy more
71854384 OP : Okay...kin
da thought that way would do it too.
NjD NjD : Yeah HFs are aware of that too and they have all resources to prevent SS. The only thing they don’t know/can’t do anything about it is “How long Apes are willing to hodl APE&AMC”