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What's with the stupid predictions?

I keep reading people say things like, "Tomorrow it's going to 15 dollars" and "16.50 by the end of the week". This is pure nonsense and is just made up hopium. Where have you got this rubbish from? You're expecting at least a 50% gain in the next 2 days? Where's the evidence to support this theory?
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  • razo2 : these are people that clearly do not know what is going on with the short on the stock....we are facing such suppression in the stock value and they they think it can jump by 5 bucks in a single day...

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL OP razo2 : This is what I mean. They are giving out stupid theories that have no substance. They haven't got a clue what they're on about🤦‍♀️

  • razo2 BAG FINDER GENERAL OP : well some leads is that a lender from JP Morgan had given the loan to BBBY for a couple of hundred million. so we at least know who is the person. the crucial thing is end of this month, the announcement. that is the most solid proof of where things would go for BBBY before Reg Sho takes into effect. please be mindful of china collapse is around the corner which might affect everyone as their total debt is 11 trillion USD with the high speed rail and mega ghost cities.

  • obcmullet razo2 : I read tonight they secured a 400 million loan and there's a lot of speculation there gonna sell bye bye baby. wtf  knows, these shorts can hold the price down at will it seems like

  • razo2 obcmullet : the price suppression had been there for a very long time. if you were to compare both GME and BBBY. GME had more stability in price as most people DRS their stock and RC played the same trick to fight back short sellers by holding a large share in the company with cash in hand to squeeze when needed.

  • rennymc : Noobs who wake up in the morning with a “good feeling” that it’s going to moon. Same nonsense as AMC. This manipulated stock market sure as heck doesn’t operate off a random newbies “good feelings.”

  • razo2 rennymc : yes. correct don't play stock based on feelings. please exercise caution as well.

  • 71376436 : “Hold my bag”

🎶 You remind me of a bag holder I once knew I see their face whenever I, I look at you 🎶 (The bag holder song)