In fact, this company is a shell. Finances before and after listing are carried out day by day. Check online for companies that have signed contracts with this company. If this company has options to short sell, it's fine; if this company has options to short sell, they can do their best to sell short, and I'm afraid they'll be caught short when stocks are sold short
Think and Stock Rich : Vedu will be great
25534670阿文 : I'm very impulsive, so I'm afraid to be fooled
sgmic66 : It really is garbage
102126893 : In fact, this company is a shell. Finances before and after listing are carried out day by day. Check online for companies that have signed contracts with this company. If this company has options to short sell, it's fine; if this company has options to short sell, they can do their best to sell short, and I'm afraid they'll be caught short when stocks are sold short
月月有餘 : Fighting Chicken in Spicy Chicken