2. I was there for the Overstock play. Nothing different IMO cept the amount of cash. Same type of preferred share was offered different CUSIP number like APE so basically same play. Relax enjoy the ride. as of now T+83 (maybe sooner Overstock started to run up after its 1st week. Also you have international APES sounding the horn. Believe me those governments will take action against the U.S. for market manipulation. I doubt this goes past Thanxgiving. I can bet my left coconut next to my 🍌 that this thing is soaring by then. u think this part is bad wait till the Squeeze happens and u actually see $$$ in ur account go negative then hit a few thousand, then hundred thousand then a few hundred back to the 10's only to shoot back past the 10,000's if you can't handle these psyche outs... I'm afraid u won't be able to handle the actual Squeeze. so nut up buttercup and prepare urselves with an exit strategy.