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Mooers' Stories Vol.5 - Dons hobby

Hi, mooers. Welcome back to "Mooers' Stories", where we present mooers' insights and experiences. Have you found the ingenious investors in the Moo community and followed any of them to improve your investment skills?
This time, we have invited @Dons hobbyto tell us about his experience of learning from others and sharpening his investing instincts. Let's take a look!
Mooers' Stories Vol.5 - Dons hobby
Notes: All the information comes from the interviewee and is published under the interviewee's consent. The testimonial provided herein may not represent other customers' experiences, and there is no guarantee of future performance or success.
Personal Background
Source: Dons hobby
Source: Dons hobby
Investing story: Before you jump in, talk to the people on this site.
1. When did you start investing?
I started investing in Oct. 2021
2. What kind of trader are you?
I trade oil stocks, oil transportation stocks, and a lot of lower-end-priced stocks.
3. What lessons have you learned from the investment?
I have learned I have a lot to learn, so I follow and talk to people that are buying the stocks that are hot and that's how I learn.
4. What will you research before investing?
I research everything I strive to get all the information I can then I use my DD to assess the best info but for me, it's who is buying what and when.
5. What is your trading strategy?
I use fundamental analysis myself. The group I am forming now has about 3 or 4 guys that do great technical analysis. I take their findings along with the stock sentiment and my feelings on the stock and that will be how I make my final decision on what I buy what I sell and what I hold.
I am usually not a long-term holder. My strategy is to find a stock with the right float and shares outstanding to make my final decision. With the technical analysis and sentiment, I can figure out when the stock will stop running or come back to a point that will make me sell part or all of it. I always take profit on the way up and I always try to buy any 10% dips. I use the 5-10 rule. If I have a penny stock and it falls 10% I sell it if I am in a higher-priced stick my loss rule is 5%.
Then I will try to swing trade it if it falls far enough buy back in and make profits again on the way up if it looks like it will run again soon that is. All according to the stock sentiment and the analysis of the stock.
6. What is your best trade ever?
The best trade I have ever done was not long ago. It was HLBZ I learned about it from one of the guys in our group Biff. I bought 1000 shares and it went up 280% in 24 hours. It ran in a regular session about 12% it ran aftermarket about another 10% and continued to run premarket the next day, and by the end of the regular session, it was up a total of 280%. And I sold it all at that point because the people that I was trading with told me it was time to sell it. The group we have put together are friends as well as traders and are always there with the critical information needed to make money which is a lot different than just trading stock.
7. How do you pick good stocks?
I pick stocks the best way I know how. I talk with the people that actually own the stock. Because that is the best way to really know how the stock is perceived by the retail investors that buy and own it. And I have learned a lot about the sentiment of stock as well.
When I started trading I knew nothing about technical analysis, basically, I knew how to hit the buy button and the sell button and that was about it. Since I didn't know anything at all I figured the best way to make money doing this was to follow people that did know what they were doing, so that's what I did. I watched people that talked about stock and except for a very few of them, it was all charts and graphs and information I didn't understand. So I started talking to people that bought, sold and owned the stock.
That's when I realized that the people that owned the stock didn't talk about it like the analysts did, because they owned the stock they didn't just talk about it. Therefore they knew a lot better what the stock was actually doing day to day not what it was supposed to do.
And with time and a lot of help from people telling me and teaching me what was important about any particular stock that's who I started following. There is a lot of noise about every aspect of every stock and it is all important but not all necessary to make money.
I have about a dozen people that I really trust their opinions. Because they know their stuff when it comes to whatever the stock may be. I have found a core group of people that I talk with and trade with every day.
Even if you know all the technical analysis and the historic facts as well as the current news you still don't know about the stock. And without their information, it would be much much harder for me to make money. But without the people that I talk with everyday the people that own and trade the particular stock I COUND NOT MAKE MONEY.
There are many different parts to trade but the most important is having a direction to go to find the stocks in the beginning. And then from there, it's a lot easier to get the information you need to know to make money. But without the initial direction, it's a lot harder to find out where you need to be.
8. Why moomoo?
Moo Moo is by far the best site I have looked at. The people in this community I believe are one of the main reasons that Moo Moo is so great. The people here give you directions on stocks but they also show you WHY stocks do what they do and when. Which I have come to find out is the main thing I want to know is why this stock or that stock did what it did when it did it.
The story in moo community: You will always be stronger together than you will ever be by yourself.
HELLO EVERYONE. This is my first story so I am going to tell you my story from the beginning.
When I started trying to trade I HAD NO CLUE so I started looking and watching the people that did. I started with 3K and lost about 10% till I started to realize that what I was doing was not working because I had no clue.
Now if it wasn't for the Moo Moo Community I long ago would have been lost and broke, because if I lost that 3K I was done.
Then I met a guy that a lot of you know @Mcsnacks H Tupack, who by the way for those of you that don't know him go watch him and what he does and pay attention to what he says because he knows what he is talking about. Thanks to Mcsnacks I doubled my 3K in about 2 months or so. I took my original cash and put it back in the bank. For everyone that is new and trying to learn or for people that ARE knowledgeable he is still a great person to get to know and will help you if you listen to what he says and do what he does. In the interim, I met watched, and chatted with many people who all have helped me VERY VERY MUCH. These are all of the people on my list. These are the people that have always been there for me and many others as well. I am still learning how to navigate this messaging board and would like to pull up my list but I don't know how so I am forced to use my memory so I know I will forget someone my apologies up front and I am truly sorry for anyone I miss.
@Rivera is someone that has taught me what being strong looks like, because believe me he is. I have watched this guy stand strong which has given me the strength to become a lot stronger than I ever was before.
@SpyderCall, Mr. information out of all of the people I have met he is truly at the top of my thanks. Because of him, I have avoided many bad choices that I would have made and made some really good choices because of him.
@bullrider_21 Mr. oil is what I call him because that's what he does. If you want to find out about oil DO NOT make a final decision till you at least talk to him. Oil is his specialty but oil is not the only thing he knows. He also is one of the first people I followed.
@Birdistheword, Another guy that not only has helped me but I believe I have become friends with.
@YYVE Is a guy that knows his stuff about stock, I just got to know YY and I am glad I did. He helps me every day with his information and basic stock skills he has, which is far above many here.
@Mr Trecherous the funniest guy on Moo Moo has helped me daily have the strength to HOLD when I should and let go when it's time. And also I hope he thinks as I do a good friend that I have made here and more importantly I know I can always count on with some of the best information available.
I have met a lot of people on Moo Moo and believe me, especially the newer guys, please watch what the people you are following are doing and compare it to what they are saying. Because you also have to be very careful about the people that talk about stocks but don't own them.
If someone is talking about something they don't own listen to all those information but usually not always I take that with a grain of salt. The people I talk with for the most part are people that own the stocks. There are always exceptions and reasons people like a stock they don't own. I will say there is a guy I used to follow that also knows his stuff @Mike Hunt. I will always give credit where credit is due and he does deserve credit because he does know his shit and that's all I have to say on that.
@BiffMr. SunBiz Mulnmam Is also someone that I have followed for a while he gave me HLBZ a couple of weeks ago which was at a perfect time because I had for me at least a lot of cash in reserve and bought in and made about 230% on that stock in 2 days.
@iamiam I put his name in small letters because that's how he does it. One of the most knowledgeable people on Moo Moo and someone I can always count on to give me his insight unbiased even if it's not what I want to hear. A straight shooter that you can always count on to get the facts as well as his thoughts which at times are more valuable than the facts, again someone I am lucky enough to call a friend. Someone that when he tells you whatever it may be listen to what he says because it will all be true and factual.
@Jesus is lord I met Jesus thru YYVE, Jesus also knows his stuff and has shown me not only what I should do but WHY I should.
To me, the WHY question is always the most important because if you know why something happens then you can wait for the same circumstances to reappear and know WHAT that stock will do the next time. For me, I try to build cash and at the same time build reasons why I made that cash. Because I want to do it again and again.
To EVERYONE on Moo Moo, believe me, you will always be stronger together than you will ever be by yourself. These are all people that know their shit. I try to help because that's what Moo Moo is about information stats charts and CASH.
Here are a few more people that I want to mention since I don't know how to put my complete list up @ZJ C @Revelations 6 @Hani Ayyash @allen kidd @Alvinnnnnnn89 @AmyNic @bambinoPR @BAO BMW @Betterthangold @easygoing Lyon@Expandablebiggles.
Follow my prediction, @QueensGetTheMoolaNYCto @JayJay @JustSurface @Lax13 @pennypincher @Piggy Bank Trader. These people would and should have been in my post but as I said it was too large to post everyone and I wanted you to be mentioned be AUSE all of you guys are my story.
Interactive Activity
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Topic: What else do you want to know about @Dons hobby? Any other topics you wanna discuss with him? Comment below to let us know.
1. 30 points for mooers who raise insightful and Dons hobby-related questions
2. 70 points for Dons hobby's each reply to mooers' questions
Duration: Now – Sep. 29 23:59 ET
(Rewards will be distributed within 5–10 working days after the activity ends.)
Notes: We encourage benign and in-depth interaction, from which all mooers can learn from each other, helping our community members be more courageous and not alone in the investing journey.
Appreciate @Dons hobbyfor sharing so many useful experiences and inspiring mooers with us! Feel free to ask him anything about investing or communicate with him if you are inspired! Also, if you want to share your story with mooers, comment below to let us know. We'll contact you soon! Thanks for your time. See you next time!
Source: https://giphy.com
Source: https://giphy.com
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Disclosure: The testimonial provided herein may not represent other customers' experiences, and there is no guarantee of future performance or success.
Disclaimer: This presentation is for informational and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. Investment information provided in this content is general in nature, strictly for illustrative purposes, and may not be appropriate for all investors. It is provided without respect to individual investors’ financial sophistication, financial situation, investment objectives, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance. You should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your relevant personal circumstances before making any investment decisions. Past investment performance does not indicate or guarantee future success. Returns will vary, and all investments carry risks, including loss of principal.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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