Flaming Deals : Moass is near
Flaming Deals : I will hold
M1ke1229 :
102667462 : hahaha smart apes will cash out long time ago. only clown apes left to clear mess. from $60+ dip to pathetic $8 plus buck in a year
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP Flaming Deals : keep telling urself that when this hits 0 bucks
Dirtman 102667462 : This statement shows alot about how much you know about how stock prices works. Lolz
M1ke1229 : No we're waiting for the scum to cover
MiniApe 102667462 : Lol you’re pathetically narrow visioned. Its the entire market dude.
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP M1ke1229 : the hedgies will never cover
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Flaming Deals : Moass is near
Flaming Deals : I will hold
M1ke1229 :
M1ke1229 :
102667462 : hahaha smart apes will cash out long time ago. only clown apes left to clear mess. from $60+ dip to pathetic $8 plus buck in a year
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP Flaming Deals : keep telling urself that when this hits 0 bucks
Dirtman 102667462 : This statement shows alot about how much you know about how stock prices works. Lolz
M1ke1229 : No we're waiting for the scum to cover
MiniApe 102667462 : Lol you’re pathetically narrow visioned. Its the entire market dude.
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP M1ke1229 : the hedgies will never cover
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