$Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ Through their ownership of45.00%of GRAB’s outstanding shares, institutional investors have minority control over the company. Other institutions hold13.65%of GRAB, in contrast to13.32%held by mutual funds.
As the largest shareholder in GRAB with5.36%of the stake, Morgan Stanley Investment Managem holds198,751,048 sharesworth198,751,048. A second-largest stockholder of GRAB, Capital Research & Management Co, holds153,941,766 shares, controlling over4.15%of the firm’s shares. Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Mana is the third largest shareholder in GRAB, holding143,231,037 sharesor3.86%stake.
Funds: With a2.47%stake in GRAB, the American Funds EuroPacific Growth is the largest stakeholder. A total of91,672,521 sharesare owned by the mutual fund manager. The Morgan Stanley Invt. Fds. – Globa, which owns about1.45%of GRAB stock, is the second-largest Mutual Fund holder. It holds53,858,535 sharesvalued at158.88 million. American Funds New World Fund holds1.25%of the stake in GRAB, owning46,563,688 sharesworth137.36 million.