Matrix1470 : Sell as no point holding this share
sensible Iguana_4857 OP 101523250 : Actually there is an insider information that the firm is not doing well already but the news was in chinese
sensible Iguana_4857 OP 101523250 : Are you able to read my message properly!!! I actually put my money in and thinking when to get out.. i am not promoting for kidztech
Matrix1470 : Sell as no point holding this share
sensible Iguana_4857 OP 101523250 : Actually there is an insider information that the firm is not doing well already but the news was in chinese
sensible Iguana_4857 OP 101523250 : Are you able to read my message properly!!! I actually put my money in and thinking when to get out.. i am not promoting for kidztech