There was a broad market sell-off after economic data related to inflation was released. This CPI report was a lot worse than expected. And it shows that, in the eyes of the consumer, inflation is high. This is bad for markets. It is still a lower CPI reading than last month which is good. But the market reacted very bearishly.
Mike Obama : too much huat. laolao
SpyderCall OP Mike Obama : LOL!!! who the heck is this guy.... is this mr. t? I still cant stop laughing at this stuff
Mike Obama :
SpyderCall OP Mike Obama : holy F#*k LOLZ!
WallStreetYoda :
BeBlessed : Bro Spyder, do you know what time does all the options, fx and dj future contracts expire tonight? today is quad witching day
SpyderCall OP BeBlessed : Im not sure if it is a quadruple witching, or a triple witching or a double. but on witching days the market re-balancing will take place all day. and sometimes all week in the quad witching days at the end of the first half and the end of the second half. But at the end of intraday trading is when all of the contracts that expire that day will close or execute.
SpyderCall OP BeBlessed : good call out on the witching day though. I didnt even realize that yet. Thanks
BeBlessed SpyderCall OP : Glad to be able to share something useful with you. Often you're the one that shared insightful advice to me.
Today is quadruple.
SpyderCall OP BeBlessed : we might see some big moves if it is quadruple.
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