1. Avoid lifestyle inflation
Being raised in a low income household, being trifthy had been my default mode of operation. Not by choice, but I just had no money to splurge. Earning the first paycheck was awesome as it opens up a whole new world for me. Want to dine at every restaurants, it's possible. Want to drink and party, it's possible. Want to own a car, it's possible, but what for? Mindless splurging is novel, it's new and exciting, but it just doesn't click.
Therefore throughout my career, despite multiple pay raise, my expenses didn't grow. My hair is cut twice a year. I haven't bought new clothes for a couple of years now. Cai png (economical rice) is still the food of choice, sometimes with fish. It is a simple but enjoyable life. Having low expenses makes it so much easier to survive during these times.
KingNY-Life : What do you live on when you don't work?
103068318 :
look like a movie :
doctorpot1 OP KingNY-Life : side hustles (like selling things online), dividend from stocks and options premium from stocks.
TBRichie :
DkKing TBRichie : congratulations
doctorpot1 OP DkKing : thank you
whqqq : You are diligent. I usually go home after work and have no strength to do anything else. I wish you success in your favorite career.
SANDRO 善子 doctorpot1 OP :
doctorpot1 OP whqqq : yea it is super tiring but fun hope to reach FIRE soon, so that I can relax the pace of life a little
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