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MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened

MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
There's a saying goes: "Look forward with hope, not backward with regret."
Whatever happened, happened. There is no point in lingering on it.

That is a positive approach to life.
But is it right for investors to use it in the same way while making trades?
Some would argue that: "your past is your best teacher." It helps investors to avoid previous mistakes.

So which do you prefer?
Now let's see some real-life examples!

@LeicesterM : Just took a line of hopium and I still believe! ‍ 😆 😜 🚀  Probably nothing though. $AMC Preferred Equity Unit(APE.US)$ $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
@no_totti_no_party : It’s slippery . Be careful
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
@no_totti_no_party : It can always get worse
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
@Stitch-fu : $SPDR S&P 500 ETF(SPY.US)$ The CPI 0.2% fell was due to the release of strategic U.S. oil reserves and a plunge in oil prices due to China's lockdown.

Hell inflation will come of oil prices rebound in winter as EU & other Asian countries cuts back on Russian reserves.
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
@Rann New : When your trade gets supported by news afterwards
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
@earning_s : Soon to be relevant again.
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened
@Indicator analyst : Make no bones about it, the EU is in an energy crisis.
MooHumor: Whatever happened, happened

This week, we'd like to invite you to comment: How do you find the balance between looking back to the past and looking forward to the future?

We will select 20 TOP COMMENTS by next Monday.
Winners will get 88 points by next week, with which you can exchange gifts at the Rewards Club.
*Comments within this week will be counted.

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That's all for this week. Peace!
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  • Syuee : There is no need to overanalyze and intellectualize the Past vs Future.

    Past : teaches not dwell.

    Present : challenges not problem.

    Future : hope not despair.

    Take the best from everything.

    We live in the past, so we can learn from our successes and failures.

    We live in the present, so we can learn, teach, grow and move forward.

    We live in the future so we can prepare and plan for what will happen next.

    The future is a mystery, the past is history, NOW is a gift, that's why it's called the present.

    The present is a gift because we can only control that, not the past or the future.

    Moreover, for the future to be better or different we should work on the present first.

    If we think too much about the past, it does not help.

    Neither, worrying about the future helps.

    In both cases, we are not able to focus on the present.

    How about we start living in the present and make the most out of it ? [undefined]


  • steady Pom pipi : Taking history as a guide, we can find answers to our fears about the unknown future in history. History is constantly repeating itself, but everything is always changing. Although an event that happened in the past will happen again at some point in the future, the development direction of the event may not be the same. At least we can draw on past experiences and be prepared mentally in advance.

  • Milk The Cow : I look back to the past to reflect all my past mistakes & think of a way not to repeat the same mistake again [undefined].

    I look forward the future with curiosity since it's some that has yet to happen & I still got a way to stop it from happening depend on the decision I make...[undefined] No one can make a correct decision since the future is fill with uncertainty. So, let's do our best to make a decision that we won't regret [undefined].

  • KT88 Syuee : [undefined][undefined]

  • KT88 Syuee :

  • KT88 Syuee :

  • Mrrichierich : Looking forward or backwards dont mean shit when the markets as corrupt as the Government! I mean the same mthrfkrs directing the direction is the same mthrfkrs passing or negating bills…think about that lol!!!

  • Mrrichierich Mrrichierich : It makes me HATE…which I never hated anything or one in my 45 yrs on this marble! But this admin HAS GOTTA GO NOW!!!!!! Before they fk up shit that can’t be reversed!

  • Mrrichierich Mrrichierich : That shit on the White House lawn the other day while the markets been worse then it has been in decades just shows how outta touch with reality these POS’s really are!!! Lol, sure let’s celebrate a “inflation reduction act” when we caused this inflation🤣!! How many Billions lol?? Wake TF UP Folks before these retards have us all in a “soup line”!!

  • HuatEver Syuee : No one’s life is easy. We all face setbacks and adversities. It is how we deal with these challenges to find a positive balance between reflecting back in the past and moving forward to the future that define our integrity as a person. I believe that life is not taking a right direction if I keep on remembering the past, especially the painful ones. It’s time for me to leave the past to where it belongs and look ahead for a brighter future. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance to get past setbacks but they are valuable lessons for my future referencing.

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