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UPDATE September 21

UPDATE September 21
Well that was a day huh!?
How many got trapped?
How many made out like bandits? 🙋‍♂️
How did I do well?   If you follow me you know iam bearish and I have been saying since January that September would be a big month to the downside (I even said mid September, but time is the hardest to predict), I played the upside in QQQ past 291 to 293, but because iam bearish I instantly went back short* *I bought SQQQ stock and calls and FSLR , TQQQ and QQQ puts (that seems like a lot but different accounts have different strategies). I will go over each in this post.
The other reason I did well - I DON'T LISTEN TO THE NEWS (that definitely includes JPowow)
None of it is meant to inform you. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WAS LEARNED TODAY!!! Powow said nothing new or newsworthy - if you listened to find direction I feel bad for you son -
UPDATE September 21
Nothing Powow said changes anything, the market was ALWAYS going to do this, just like it will rally in November and crash down again by March.
The FED is trapped
The only way to defeat inflation is to crush the economy Stop making and spending money you serfs!!!!
As long as people have jobs and buy stuff, the FED will crush the markets - it's the only way to stop inflation. They CAN NOT raise rates high enough - The US has 33 Trillion in debt now and at 4% that is 1.32 Trillion dollars needed to be raised in new taxes every year - just to pay the interest and remember the FED needs to crush the economy to control inflation... So where is this new 1.32 trillion in taxes going to come from?????? YOU - that's why they wanted inflation in 2015, to pass their increasingly growing ridiculous government spending onto you (the idea was brought forward to the FED in 2015 by duh duh duh Janet Yellin now secretary of the TREASURY why do we allow this?). Inflation goes up debt becomes cheap.
UPDATE September 21
To me it is Hilarious that the FED who begged for and sang the praises of inflation all the way back in 2015, then causes it* denies it's existence, still blames others for it, and is now on the NEWS again telling you how they are going to control it
*blaming the war for this inflation is a lie - inflation IS and  ALWAYS has been a monetary phenomenon! meaning without the FED and every other world bank printing money and setting and manipulating prices* there would be no inflation. (*for as long as they can until it eventually ends and it always ends badly, history is a brutal bitch) now I know what your saying "but iam there would still be price increases and decreases" - Yes but it would be a free market with a fixed limit of money earned off of work based solely on supply and demand which IS NOT inflation. Inflation is the over production of a work for-less monetary system. Money at it's core is an exchange for work - everything you purchase has a cost of production delivery and sale - all points of work, your not actually buying a good you are paying for the work to obtain said good (overhead is even work someone does the taxes etc). Both goods and services are forms of work.
I will now step off my soapbox and get to the charts...
What do you need to know?
UPDATE September 21
It's bad it's going to stay bad and get worse, get short or get wrecked - merciless selling coming.
Let's start with the wrecking ball:
$USD(USDindex.FX)$ 112 I have been saying it FOREVER, and here we go. King Dollar
UPDATE September 21
the dollars rise makes me cautious with gold and silver
UPDATE September 21
UPDATE September 21
The Laggard $VIX Index Futures(AUG4)(VXmain.US)$ FGU - Finally Going Up
UPDATE September 21
UPDATE September 21
UPDATE September 21
UPDATE September 21
UPDATE September 21
SQQQ and TQQQ are 3x leveraged to QQQ so the charts look like QQQ or inverse QQQ but I will show them anyways. $ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ ETF(SQQQ.US)$
UPDATE September 21
UPDATE September 21
The Fighting bull $First Solar(FSLR.US)$ But iam gonna ride it down 🤠
UPDATE September 21
UPDATE September 21
UPDATE September 21
here are my plays in 2 of my accounts:
UPDATE September 21
Did anyone watch GUSH? moved 10 dollars in an hour - twice! total distance traveled today had to be crazy.
UPDATE September 21
notice - no stocks /Tonguea quick look at futures $E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures(SEP4)(NQmain.US)$ There is nothing to like in the market except shorts
UPDATE September 21
UPDATE September 21
I overslept and running late, trade safely and as always
Good Luck
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