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$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ at what point do you swallow yo...

$AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ at what point do you swallow your pride and admit you were wrong?
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  • z utterback : Never

  • ZABGUS : Bankruptcy

  • z utterback : But I buy puts so when it goes down I can sell them to buy more. That way I can hold and accumulate more without spending more money

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL : What would be the point. Its not going bankrupt so what's the point of selling at this low price? Pretty stupid question

  • ur wifes boyfriend : Yep you're right a short short just swallow   Thier pride

  • Expendabiggles : When shorts buy back whet they shorted, close position and stock doesn’t go through the roof.  But they haven’t covered anything so at this time, there is no point in any discussion until shorts close.

  • Betterthangold OP Expendabiggles : AMC’s short interests has fluctuated between 14-24%. That’s massive moves on a float this size, so “shorts haven’t covered” is a very uneducated approach. Shorts continually cover and take new positions all the while slowly draining you of your investment.

  • Expendabiggles Betterthangold OP : In my “opinion” you are incorrect.  The “short interest” reported is self reported falsified data. You are entitled to believe what you like but when buys out number sales EVERYDAY. Utilization is at 100% everyday and short interest never rises beyond 24% AND adding up ALL institution (reported) share owner ship shows a minimum of 124% to 400% of the float, it tells me one thing. THEY ARE LYING.  Cant we do anything about it??  Buy and hold until bubble implosion.  That is all.  

  • thabull12 : The money left my mind the second I invested, its something that I bought that will have value the fluctuations of that value don’t matter, when it reaches a value that is satisfactory to get rid of the commodities then I’ll sell till then I’m zen.

  • Expendabiggles Betterthangold OP : I am convinced of stock market nuclear fallout is imminent and cannot be stopped. I also believe AMC/APE will go even lower before going up.  This will not stop anything including the liquidation of funds, the insolvency of banks or the liquidity of AMC going up or down as a it clears debt to PROVE there is zero reason for this stock to be in this price range. Its manipulated WAY beyond anything rational and the bubble will burst. I may be wiped when the bubble pops but I do not believe that.  When funds have no more excuses or liquidity to hold it down, where else is there to go??  And DTCC will be on the hook for it all. If they survive this, Big Gov WILL regulate the market and crack down on predatory institutions like never before seen in history or the fires on wallstreet will be visible from space.  I absolutely believe it.

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